
Shelter Guide

Last night (after being informed by one of our helpers from within the camp) we drove to Traiskirchen to bring people to Vienna, who were denied entrance to the camp. They were left outside in the cold to fend for themselves and spend the night on the streets or in the park nearby with no more than blankets (those who had some). Our convoy was able to bring 6 cars full of people (>24) to Vienna. Amongst them were families with children & babies (!!!) and an elderly lady in a wheelchair (!!!). Luckily we were not the only ones making rounds in the dark and looking for people without shelter. The few that didn’t fit in our convoy were brought to Vienna by other helpers. At midnight we managed to find shelter for everyone we picked up. We made sure they were taken care of with a warm meal and a warm bed.
This emergency situation last night made us realise… 1) how much we depend on our volunteers and 2) the situation is far from over!



A big thank you to the children of 3C Bundesgymnasium Klosterneuburg and 3B Volksschule Anton-Bruckner-Gasse Klosterneuburg for their great support. Approximately 300 MUFFINS (!!!) were handed out on the weekend. Many smiling faces and thankful people. Nice to see that children are also helping.



We appreciate your feedback!

Many weeks after our first visit, LIFE2LIVE still continues to help outside Erstaufnahmestelle Traiskirchen!

Our primary focus remains the distribution of food, which is still very much needed. We depend on YOU to keep the ball rolling. Please donate so we can continue to help! As always, 100% of donations go directly to those in need.

Scroll through our pictures for impressions on the latest trip and tell us what you think!



On the weekend…

… we handed out another 100 food packages, more farsi-german learning materials (30 copies) and waterboilers. Additionally we were able to collect and distribute many things, such as suitcases, blankets, shoes & warm clothes.

We are very happy and proud that our network of helpers and volunteers is steadily growing, both in terms of donors and people who invest their time.



Children’s Cancer Research

We don’t show sad pictures!
We don’t use overwhelming statistics!
We don’t want to give you a guilty conscience!
We merely want to share the story of one man and his ambition to help children with cancer.

In his book “Liebe, Leid, Leben” Zabiholla Mafi tells his life story. He writes about his struggles, his achievements, his sorrows and his happiness.
His mother passed away due to cancer at an early age, leaving behind eight children. He himself was diagnosed with cancer 15 years ago and managed to fight off the illness. With his book Zabi wants to help children with cancer and encourage others to donate for children’s cancer research at St. Anna Kinderspital in Vienna.

With your donation you help the efforts in the medical field of cancer research for children. In return we send you a copy of the book “Liebe, Leid, Leben”. The book is currently available in german. The farsi version will be printed soon and an english version will hopefully also be out in the near future. Please contact us if you are interested and we will provide you with further information.


During our latest trip to Traiskirchen…

…we continued to hand out food, 150 packages! More to come… and another 30 farsi-german textbooks were distributed. Also more to come… Courtesy of generous donors 10 water boilers/electric kettles were given to families. Hopefully also more to come…

We receive many thanks from the people we meet every time we go to Traiskirchen, but we don’t know how to pass on their full hearted appreciation on to YOU, who support us and make the help possible… other than by saying: THANK YOU!!!



Learning Materials

Thanks to an effective collaboration with “Deutschkurs für Traiskirchen” we were able to distribute 30 farsi-german textbooks among the eager learners today. “SWG Steuerberatungs- und Wirtschaftstreuhand GmbH” was kind enough to print us the whole batch for this purpose and they are providing us with more in the following days.

It is great to see that so many are keen to learn german and have so much fun doing so. We experienced the great benefit from a textbook, which includes both translations and pronunciation. Therefore we are looking for a similar textbook in arabic to distribute as well. Please contact us if you know more regarding this.